Just wanted to send out a BIG word of THANKS to all the folks who voted in the recent St. Louis amp poll put on by David Anderson of Tritone Guitars and Gaslight Studios. The Longbeard Tritone Combo amp won in the poll, but I just wanted to say a word or two about polls. What is “better,” vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? What is “better,” Stubborn German Brewing company beer or Hopskeller beer? What is “better,” a Les Paul or a Telecaster? It all simply depends on what any certain individual prefers at any moment in time. The competition I was up against make fantastic amplifiers. We all serve different folks with different styles, needs and tastes and go about our craft simply because we love doing it (I’ll speak for myself and say that I don’t plan on buying an Island in the Bahamas with Longbeard profits any time soon). With that said, I again want to thank all of the Longbeard fans!